OECT’s 30th Anniversary

For any person or institution willing to donate:
E-transfer: tocct2012@gmail.com
May God bless you for attending the conference and willing to take part in our fundraising initiative.
Conference location:
330 Bellamy Road North, M1H 1E8, Scarborough, ON, Canada
Now this day will be a memorial to you, and you shall celebrate it as a feast to the Lord; throughout your generations, you are to celebrate it as a permanent ordinance. Exodus 12:14
Oromo Evangelical Church of Toronto (OECT) is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its commencement on August 19 & 20, 2023. OECT was planted in the early 1990s by Oromo immigrants residing in the metropolitan Toronto area, making it one of the oldest pioneers of Oromo churches in the diaspora. Since its inception, regardless of the various challenges, the number of its members has increased over time and today it is a home for more than 150 members and 50 children in Sunday school. We believe that OECT has considerably grown and positively and holistically impacted the lives of the Oromo people living in the Greater Toronto Area. OECT also works in collaboration with other churches in Canada, Oromia, and the USA. OECT also works with Oromo churches in Africa through its outreach ministries.
Moving forward and reflecting on all ups and downs, we thought it is time to thank God and rejoice in Him, for His guidance through the journey over the past three decades and beyond. OECT is truly excited to invite you to this historical day to commemorate with us.
Taking this opportunity, we would like to ask you to stand with us in solidarity in your prayers for the success of this conference. Regardless of its age, this historical church has no its own place of worship. It is our prayer and believe that God can give us our own place where His people can freely worship Him. Although the anniversary is the main reason for the conference, prayers and asking God to give us our own place of worship is another. Please note that OECT appreciates any amount of donation given for this vision, individually or in groups as an institution.